Hashimoto's Thyroiditis - A New Path of Learning and Discovery - Part 4



Continued from Hashimoto's Thyroiditis - A New Path of Learning and Discovery - Part 3

Understanding the Mind - Body - Brain connection in Hashimoto’s within 2 phases and 8 milestones [1]

7. Lifestyle

Our values are reflected in our lifestyle, the priorities we have and how we live on a day to day basis. What food we eat, our nutritional status, the balance of our work, family time, social time, rest, sleep, exercise, time in nature, fun times, times of relaxation and discovering ourselves spiritually. Keeping our body healthy, active with high vitality increases our resilience and life force and decreases imbalances and susceptibility to infections. Healing Hashimoto’s requires a deep look at our lifestyle.

Nutrition plays a major role in Hashimoto’s. One of the first areas to look at are the foods that are keeping you sick. If you have an autoimmune disorder, you will have leaky gut [7] [10] [14] [19]. Gluten is a major contributor to leaky gut and all research I have explored shows it needs to be eliminated from the diet.

Gluten and thyroid tissue have a similar structure so any gluten [10] [14] [20] can be problematic for your thyroid tissue for 12 months [14]. Casein the protein molecule in dairy products, is the second biggest problem food in Hashimoto’s and evidence strongly suggests also removing this from your diet. [7] [19].

Other foods may be problematic for many thyroid and other auto immune disorders. Dr. Sarah Ballantyne on her website ‘The Paleo Mom’ [21] provides a guide of foods to focus on and to eliminate for 2 to 3 weeks then reintroduce many back one at a time while you monitor your body’s response [21.] With initial removal of foods creating leaky gut, and allowing the gut to heal, then trying each food, you can find out if a particular food is right for you or not.

Choose your food wisely. Avoid those sprayed with pesticides, and chemicals and all genetically modified ‘food’ (GMO). Be aware of the ‘Dirty dozen’ and ‘Clean 15’ fruit and vegetables [22]. Avoid additives in your food, and guar gums (which reduces the enzyme activity of your body’s Alkaline Phosphatase).

Where ever possible choose a wide variety of organic, nutrient dense, unprocessed real food with plenty of greens vegetables to keep your blood sugar balanced. Food that nourishes our body, increases our vitality, and resilience to infections and creates more balance in our microbiome [7].

To help your body repair, you will likely at least initially, need to add certain supplements to help your body regain the levels depleted, to correct imbalances and provide for increased nutritional requirements.

We obtain Vitamin D from the sun but in winter when the sun is lower in the sky we are unable to get enough from the sun in many countries that are further from the equator. During summer months get out into the sun daily without sunblock for 30 minutes, 45 minutes for dark skinned people. Supplement of Vitamin D3 may only be needed in winter depending on your Vitamin D blood tests. Vitamin K2 (MK-7 best) works in synergy with vitamin D, and you need both in adequate amounts for optimal health [23].

Many with Hashimoto’s and adrenal fatigue have low stomach acid, a necessary component for our body to break down and digest protein. This can lead to depletion of “amino acids, iron, Vitamin B 12, zinc and other nutrients” we obtain from protein [7]. If you experience gas, heartburn, bloating, and heaviness in your stomach after eating protein you may have low stomach acid [7]. Supplementing with these minerals and vitamins may be necessary. Betaine with Pepsin taken after a protein rich meal, and lemon juice and / or apple cider vinegar taken mid meal, may help produce more stomach acid [7].

Your body also requires increased protein intake for all aspects of healing. In Hashimoto’s and chronic illness, body protein levels are continually being depleted. Choose high protein foods and if necessary supplement with amino acids to provide what your body needs to build tissue, regenerate and heal.

Other mineral and vitamins to support healthy thyroid function include Selenium, Magnesium, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Vitamin A. Eating foods rich in all minerals and vitamins is important with or without supplementing. Other supplements that may be beneficial include N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC), Adrenal adaptogens, Glutamine, Curcumin, and Probiotics [7] [19].

Eating iodine and selenium rich foods is important as iodine is necessary to make thyroid hormone. Iodine intake and taking iodine supplements is an area of discussion within Hashimoto’s researchers [7] [24] [25] and is certainly a discussion topic with your health practitioner to ensure you have the right balance of iodine and selenium for your body’s needs.

Whether those with Hashimoto’s will also need thyroid hormone medication depends on their symptoms and laboratory tests. As Izabella Wentz states, “while medication does not address the root cause, it is a crucial step to feeling better and reversing the negative effects of hypothyroidism on the body” [7].

When choosing supplements, check labels for what is actually in each supplement, do your research and be informed by knowledgeable nutritionists, doctors and others, to ensure the right supplement and dosage for you and to avoid further ingesting substances that may be harmful to your body.

Anthony William provides a range of foods, herbs and supplements to support healing and repair of the thyroid and immune system in his book 'Medical Medium' [26]. He also writes that the body does not attack itself and that invasion of the thyroid gland by Epstein Barr Virus in Stage Three is the cause of Hashimoto’s.

Adequate restful rejuvenating sleep. Most of us need at least 7 - 9 hours sleep a night. When we are healing we will likely need more plus rest time during the day. Truly listening to your body will guide you.

Reduce lighting pre sleep time, avoid any screen time at least an hour before (TV, computer, phone, electronic devices), find restful activities that prepare you for sleep (relaxing bath, quiet meditation), avoid stimulating drinks and any food several hours pre sleep. Unplug electronic devices, and turn of Wifi at night to reduce exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) that disrupt our life force. Consider a land line telephone so you are less exposed to electromagnetic frequencies.

Night is our circadian rhythms time for regeneration to rest and digest food and information and reset our system to prepare us for the next day.

Calming mindful activities such as Yoga, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Meditation, time to discover yourself, time in nature - sun, trees, sea, water environments, can re-energise and balance the body, mind and soul. How can you reset your mind towards peace and harmony each day?

Exercise you enjoy, walks, moving your body in ways that strengthen you physically and mentally. Gentle initially then building as your stamina increases. Find what suits you. Time on your own and / or fun time with others sharing your activity.

Balance of work and play. Taking a break at least every hour you work to stretch and move has been shown to increase productivity time. Do you bring your work home with you? Is your home a place you can relax and do something for yourself each day without constant demands of others? Prioritise space and time to enjoy your leisure activities, to laugh and have fun. Consider how you start your day and plan time for each activity you need to keep you healthy and balanced. Reassess your priorities regularly and adjust accordingly.

8. Life Goals

What are your goals in life, your mission, your passion. What makes your heart sing?

When our body has been stressed to its threshold it will ‘shut you down’. This is for our survival. When we have been going in the wrong direction for too long our body will say enough.

We don’t have to wait that long before we look at our life and future. If we can learn to stop, to rest, have nourishing food that meets our individual needs, loving care and connection, to take the time to regenerate and heal, we have the chance to look at where we are going and what we truly want in life.

To learn the art of being present, and allowing who you are and what you want to flow into your experiences, is truly a gift to yourself and others. Enjoying the process and taking the time to find your life goals is the 8th milestone in your healing.

For me, learning I have an autoimmune disease and subclinical Hashimoto’s, has provided knowledge I would not otherwise have had. It involves curiosity and self discovery.

I have been fortunate to have very few symptoms, unlike many who have known they were ill for years. Who have consulted numerous doctors, one after another, only to be told they are fine, and offered medications without ever knowing why they have no energy, feel crazy and so sick. My heart goes out to each.

My mission is to provide knowledge, gentle loving supportive care, and to restore hope. To know there is a way forward for you to ease your suffering, to follow your dreams and live the life of your choosing.


  1. Fisslinger, J. (2014). Personal communication from META-Health University Practitioner training.

  2. Diagram adapted from META-Health University image, META-Health University.

  3. Hashimoto’s Awareness, hashimotosawareness.org/

  4. Hamer, R. G. (2005). germannewmedicine.ca/documents/Madrid-2005-en.PDF

  5. Craig, G. (1995 - 2016) Emotional Freedom Technique. emofree.com/

  6. Dawson, K. (2014). Matrix Reimprinting. matrixreimprinting.com/

  7. Wentz, I., Nowosadzka, M. (2013). Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. Chelsea Green Publishing: Vermont.

  8. Eden, D. & Feinstein, D. (2008). Energy Medicine. Penguin Books: London.

  9. Pert, C. (2007). The Physics of Emotion: Candace Pert on Feeling Go(o)d. 6seconds.org/2007/01/26/the-physics-of-emotion-candace-pert-on-feeling-good/

  10. Wilson, D. (2015). Hashimoto’s Disease – The Link between Thyroid and Leaky Gut. doctordoni.com/2015/09/hashimotos-disease-and-leaky-gut/

  11. Klapp, K (2016). Personal Communication.

  12. Robbins, R. (2016). Married to Hashimoto’s. hypothyroidmom.com/married-to-hashimotos-a-husbands-confession-where-i-blew-it/

  13. Shapiro, D. (2006). Your Body Speaks Your Mind. Sounds True: Canada.

  14. Voidani, A. (2016). Notes taken from the Hashimoto’s Summit, Speaker: Dr Aristo Vojdani, PhD, MSc. Proper Testing for Autoimmune Diseases and Why Current Methods Fail. Online summit presented by Hashimoto’s Awareness.

  15. Wahls, T. (2014). The Wahls Protocol. How I Beat Progressive MS Using Paleo Principles and Functional Medicine. Penguin Group: New York.

  16. Myers. A. (2016). Are Your Body Products Toxic? amymyersmd.com/2016/06/toxic-body-products/

  17. Lipton, B. (2016). Changing Beliefs with Matrix Reimprinting. youtube.com/watch?v=s4tNtdVbvw0&feature=youtu.be

  18. Lipton, B. (2016). Dr Bruce Lipton more on Matrix Reimprinting. youtube.com/watch?v=87_NVv4vuaw&feature=youtu.be

  19. Kharrazian, D. (2010). Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms? When my Lab Tests Are Normal. Elephant Press: Carlsbad California.

  20. Myers, A. (2015). 3 Important Reasons to Give Up Gluten If You Have an Autoimmune Disease. amymyersmd.com/2015/09/3-important-reasons-to-give-up-gluten-if-you-have-an-autoimmune-disease/

  21. Ballantyne, S. The Autoimmune Protocol. thepaleomom.com/the-autoimmune-protocol/

  22. Environmental Working Group (EWG). (2016). Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce. ewg.org/foodnews/

  23. Mercola (2011). Vitamin K: The Missing Nutrient to Blame for Heart Attacks and Osteoporosis (Nope - NOT Calcium or Vitamin D). articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/03/26/the-delicate-dance-between-vitamins-d-and-k.aspx

  24. Kresser, C. (2010). Iodine for Hypothyroidism: Crucial Nutrient or Harmful Toxin? chriskresser.com/iodine-for-hypothyroidism-like-gasoline-on-a-fire/

  25. Dach, J. (2011 - 2013). Hashimotos, Selenium and Iodine, Part Two. jeffreydachmd.com/hashimotos-selenium-and-iodine-part-two/

  26. William, A. (2015). Medical Medium. Hay House.


Our Body’s Response to Overwhelm


Hashimoto's Thyroiditis - A New Path of Learning and Discovery - Part 3