My Specialty

Why were we born to be here on earth?  My answer? 

To discover, learn and grow from each and every experience we have.

In one of the groups I am involved in, a question was asked around practitioners finding their specialty / niche. I would like to share some revelations around my niche.

I am currently working with my eyes - willingly looking deeply to the foundation of my wearing glasses since the age of 7 years. This is raising my awareness and need to work with my ECHO’s (younger self) at many ages.

Enabling loving gentle birth and nurturing babies and their family has been my greatest passion since the beginning of my nursing and midwifery career, and as a Meta-Health / EFT / Matrix Reimprinting / Birth practitioner. A few days ago, in my morning meditation, my eyes, my specialty as a practitioner, and the word “in-sight” arose.. I was aware of how much our language reveals our subconscious mind especially when the words ‘in sight’ came into my mind.
I mentioned this to my husband and the revelations and deeper connections I had had in my meditation. I said to him “I have to specialise” and he heard this and also the words “I have two Special Eyes”. hhhmm what do I have 2 special eyes for.

As a neonatal nurse in Special Care Baby Unit, I provide neonatal care for babies and their families.

What is my area of greatest love as a practitioner ?  my niche ?   -  and the answer came - provide ‘two special eyes’ for

  • The experience of each, in-utero, sick, premature, and well baby, their mother, father, and family.

  • Traumatic experiences during pregnancy, birth and beyond.

Nurturing and connecting back the sacred bond of the infant, their mother, father, and family, the foundation for their life, and our humanity.

Photo by Michal Bar Haim

Enriched Family - Enhanced Care


Research demonstrates the effectiveness of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT / Tapping)