Pregnancy / Postpartum Thyroid Imbalance and Depression

Part six from the series: Pregnancy and Thyroid

  • Find a doctor who understands thyroid disease and how it affects your pregnancy and post birth. Someone knowledgeable and open to lifestyle interventions, alongside medications if they are needed.

  • Ensure you have close medical supervision if you are taking antidepressants and during any weaning off phases [1].

  • Preferably learn and address thyroid imbalance and your potential for this before you become pregnant. Thyroid hormone requirements go up during pregnancy and any thyroid imbalance needs close monitoring [2].

  • Correct copper zinc ratio gradually and carefully with doctor / naturopath guidance.

  • Take responsibility for your health and well being. You are your own, and your baby’s, advocate. Research, ask questions and speak up for yourself and your little one when you know something is not right [3].

  • If overwhelmed by sadness, crying spells, distancing from spouse, inability to care for your baby, seek help, and, get your thyroid checked [4].

  • Meta-Health Analysis, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), and Matrix Reimprinting, can be very beneficial in finding and resolving the root cause of your thyroid imbalance and depression.

  • A tailored Lifestyle Prescription, should include nutritional guidance of foods and / or vitamin and antioxidant supplements that are depleted and those nutrients known to be linked to mood (Vitamin C, Zinc, Selenium, Calcium, Omega-3 fatty acids [4] ).

  • We are social beings so healing also involves love, connection and support from caring others - family, friends and / or specific support groups with those who have had and overcome similar experiences.

  • Fun, enjoyment, relaxation, meditation …. re-evaluating ones values and beliefs and finding your life goals and purpose are also steps to healing.


Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis - A New Path of Learning and Discovery (part 1), provides an in depth look at thyroid Imbalance from a western and mind body brain perspective [5].

Do not expect the mother to tough it out. She needs love and support to reduce the overwhelm. Take depression and thyroid imbalance seriously. Do not neglect it. The mother, infant, family and future generations depend on it. Nurture the mother, the infant and the family.

Remember that “our life is an endless path of learning, an evolving journey of personal growth and development, a discovery of who we are, and the beliefs we hold. Each step provides the opportunity to look at what shapes us to be our individual unique self” (Hansen, 2016). [5]

'Thyroid Imbalance from a Mind Body Brain Perspective - Summary Points' (part 7) will conclude this series of posts.


  1. Trentini, D. (2013). The Truth About Hypothyroidism And Depression.

  2. Wentz, I. (2013). Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. Lifestyle Interventions for finding and Treating the Root Cause. ISBN. USA.

  3. Katie - Wellness Mama. (2017). How Thyroid Disease Affects Pregnancy and Fertility

  4. Arem, R. (2007). The Thyroid Solution. Ballantine Books: New York.

  5. Hansen, G. M. (2016). Hashimoto's Thyroiditis - A New Path of Learning and Discovery (Parts 1 - 4).


Summary of Thyroid Imbalance from a Mind Body Brain Perspective


Postpartum Depression and Copper Connection