An invitation to lovingly welcome babies born in these uncertain times. EFT Tapathon 2020 Replay

EFT Tapathon 2020 - A replay of the live recording.

Join and tap with me as your host for 30 min on my favourite subject: ‘An invitation to lovingly welcome babies born in these uncertain times’ Pregnancy, birth and babies can create strong emotions within us.

What comes up for you, your emotions, fears, and concerns around babies born at this time. Would you like to bring back the joy and embrace the magical energy of little ones and our connection with them. Together let’s create magic for all babies, in utero, newborn, well, unwell, and premature … past, present, and future time.

The video starts at 1 minute in.


Caring for nurses, doctors, midwives, and health care workers: EFT / Tapping for you