Caring for nurses, doctors, midwives, and health care workers: EFT / Tapping for you

This video is for my nursing colleagues, doctors, and health professionals - to guide you on a simple tool that can address what you may be feeling and to help regulate your nervous system with the current Covid-19 health situation we find ourselves in. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT / Tapping) is easy to learn, and use in a wide variety of situations.

So who am I? My name is Gaylene Hansen. I work both as a registered nurse (in New Zealand), as an EFT and Matrix Reimprinting practitioner and more.

What is EFT? An emotional self regulation tool where we use our fingers on specific acupuncture points. EFT research: Multiple research studies including Met analysis studies have demonstrated, EFT tapping to significantly decrease cortisol levels, reduce anxiety, reduce elevated blood pressure and improve our resting heart rate, increase salivary immunoglobulin - it increased by 113% - so good for our immune system and there are many more studies.


An invitation to lovingly welcome babies born in these uncertain times. EFT Tapathon 2020 Replay


I am not allowed to speak of what I am experiencing - Health care providers series